Talk of Wilson County TX Historic Towns

by Barbara J. Wood
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Remembering pages from long ago

..... The following excerpts are from the Floresville Chronicle-Journal 60, 50, and 40 years ago, and from the Wilson County News 30 and 20 years ago.
60 Years Ago
Brothers of the brush set up rules and regulations for the Roy Bean Kangaroo Court during Centennial Celebration ...
The Floresville area of Wilson County selected the following as Kangaroo Court Judges: High Judge, Dan Johns; Associate Judges: J. C. Turner, John Boening, Bert Wright, Cotton Beam.
At a meeting of the above Judges the following rules were established for the Floresville area:
•Anyone having a shaver permit but not wearing same will be fined 50¢ and 30 minutes in jail. Failure to pay fine can result in a jail sentence of no less than 1-1/2 hours.
•Any man growing a beard or mustache and not belonging to a brother of the Brush Charter is subject to a $1.00 fine.
•All members of the Brothers of the Brush Chapters caught not wearing the official Hats, Ties, and Buttons on the designated days will be fined 50¢ each. ...
The days that the following rules will be enforced will be all day each Monday and Friday and each Saturday morning starting Monday, August 15th. On Saturday, August 20th, the above activities will be conducted all day since this will be Trades Day in Floresville.
50 Years Ago
Miss Courtney K. Mayes will act as the official hostess for the contestants to the Second Annual Texas State Peanut Queen Pageant to be staged in Eastland during August 13th thru 15th. This honor was extended to her by Miss Mary Douglas and Mr. Dick Dixon, members of the Pageant Committee of the Eastland Jaycees.
As Queen Tuneap XXV and representing the historic Floresville Peanut Festival, Miss Mayes holds two "Miss Congeniality" titles one from the First Texas State Peanut Queen Pageant and the other from the Pirate Queen Pageant during Buccaneer Days in Corpus Christi.
40 Years Ago
Mr. Conrad Pruski was unanimously selected to receive the prestigious award of Resident Conservation Farmer/Rancher of 1979 for the Wilson County Soil and Water Conservation District. The District Board of Directors selected Pruski in recognition of his superior conservation accomplishments and leadership ability.
30 Years Ago
Friends for life ... Stockdale class of '49 ... Selma Dettmann Richards, Marie Sledge Reed, Johnnie Chuoke, Joyce Carr Gorden, Estella Jackson Schraub, Gerald Montgomery, Joyce Childress Helford, Betty Clements Scull, Billy Watkins, Norman Bennett, Joyce Rose Shaver, Leon Gorden, David Hemby, Opal Wiley Schwarzkopf, Louis Steenken, John Tom Person, Bernice Hutton Person, James West, Johnie Mae Sells Caraway, Frances Whitten Lipscomb, and JoAnn Rogers Bosanko. Not in picture are Vernon Barber, deceased; Arlene Baker Jimenez, Vernon Bracewell, Eddie Callendar, James Dixon, Alex Lopez, Donald McCallay, Wayne Pooley, Irene Rose Gage, Billy W. Shaw, and Janiece Whitten LaRocca.
20 Years Ago
[Excerpts from "Stockdale Scene" by Noe Ed Awl]
An earlier column mentioned that T. Y. Hardin probably was the wagon master on the family's 1892 trek with fellow Arkansans to Texas. Had thought this question would have been answered in the affirmative when T.Y.'s great-grandson, Randy Posey, shared the information in his ancestor's obituary. But, alas, after receiving a copy, the matter still cannot be put to rest.
The obituary reads:
Born in Mississippi in 1855, Hardin came to Texas in 1892, seeing service on the wagon freighters which came through this territory. Until last year, he was an active member of the Old Trail Drivers Association.
And if the name of T.Y. Hardin has a familiar ring to it, perhaps it is because the Hardin telephone was listed in his name in the phone book for some 60 years after his demise. (By the way, the initials stand for Thomas Young.)
COURTESY /  Wilson County News

An Arrest for Murder

..... Floresville, Texas, May 16, 1892 – The high wind this morning completely wrecked the tent of Rev. H. W. Wesley "the "Cowboy Preacher," who commenced a protracted meeting here yesterday. He will hold service hereafter in the Baptist Church.
Sheriff M. J. Ximenes left here last Saturday for Midland to bring back Mark Knowles, a citizen of this county, who killed a Mexican he had employed several weeks ago. It was supposed by some that Knowles was hiding in this county, but our sheriff thought differently. Knowles was arrested on the 12th inst. By the sheriff at Midland who telegraphed Sheriff Ximenes to come after him.
The meeting at the Sour Springs last Saturday was not very largely attended, according to the testimony of Democrats. The "People's Party" folks say it was a grand affair. Your correspondent was not there. It is fourteen miles from here to the Sour Springs and the roads were very dusty and the winds high. The speaking was opened by Editor Coleman of the San Antonio Truth in a speech of one hour and a half during which he declared that he and his party Favored General Henry E. McCullough for governor. Ex- Governor Ireland replied in a speech of about one hour. The distinguished speaker is not a Clark man nor can he be called a Hogg man, yet between the two he favored Governor Hogg. One was a railroad corporation lawyer and the other a man of the people.
After Ex-Governor Ireland, Editor Coleman replied in a speech of two hours or more. Mr. Bennefield/ Benefield, a farmer of this county, then took the stand and made a short talk to his brother farmers and the meeting adjourned. It was plain to see that the majority of those present were in sympathy with Editor Coleman and the views he presented.
This article was contributed by Shirley Grammer for Historic Moments in Wilson County Texas.
COURTESY / Wilson County News