by Barbara J. Wood

SAN ANTONIO, May 13, 1918.Two
young men and two girls arrested to
day, by local authorities at Floresville,
Texas, were brought here tonight and
held for federal authorities. Accord
ing to a dispatch from Floresville, a
confession was made by members of
the quartet that they are all Austrians
and were on their way to Mexico. All
were well dressed, well supplied with
equipment and were in a new automo
bile when arrested.
According to the dispatch from
Floresville, lack of an automobile li
cense led, to the arrest of the party.
The two girls were dressed as men.
Names given by members of the party
are: Antonio Tuminia, Franz De Vis-
ser, Etna De Visser Tuminia,. (wife of
Antonio), and Olga De Visser, sister
of Franz.
Tho two men, according to the,dis
patch, admitted service in the Ameri
can army for the purpose of getting
information. Also, they are said to
have admitted residence in Mexico and their plan to return there.
young men and two girls arrested to
day, by local authorities at Floresville,
Texas, were brought here tonight and
held for federal authorities. Accord
ing to a dispatch from Floresville, a
confession was made by members of
the quartet that they are all Austrians
and were on their way to Mexico. All
were well dressed, well supplied with
equipment and were in a new automo
bile when arrested.
According to the dispatch from
Floresville, lack of an automobile li
cense led, to the arrest of the party.
The two girls were dressed as men.
Names given by members of the party
are: Antonio Tuminia, Franz De Vis-
ser, Etna De Visser Tuminia,. (wife of
Antonio), and Olga De Visser, sister
of Franz.
Tho two men, according to the,dis
patch, admitted service in the Ameri
can army for the purpose of getting
information. Also, they are said to
have admitted residence in Mexico and their plan to return there.
November 1912
November 1912.... 300 to 400 hundred attend revival service in Floresville Texas.
March 5, 1913 Texas. Floresville: The Rev. M. W. Doggett, the evangelist of the Presbytery of Western Texas, beginning the last week
in November, held a ten days' meeting
in the town of Floresville. The meeting
was held under the now Presbyterial
tent, which was at this time opened
out for the first. The attendance
upon the services was fine. At the last
Sunday night service there were between three and four hundred people under the tent. The SDiritual IntorMt deepened with each service. At the close of the meeting Dr. Doggctt reorganized
a Presbyterian church with
seventeen members. Floresville Is an
old town, for Texas. Some years ago
church work was maintained at this
point. The church records were lost
and no services have been held there for Nearly three years. A visit from Mrs.Virginia Staples some four weeks prior to this meeting was the beginning of the resuscitation of this work. At that time Mrs. Staples organized a Ladies'
Society, consisting of near fifteen members.
The outlook for the work at that
point now is fine.
March 5, 1913 Texas. Floresville: The Rev. M. W. Doggett, the evangelist of the Presbytery of Western Texas, beginning the last week
in November, held a ten days' meeting
in the town of Floresville. The meeting
was held under the now Presbyterial
tent, which was at this time opened
out for the first. The attendance
upon the services was fine. At the last
Sunday night service there were between three and four hundred people under the tent. The SDiritual IntorMt deepened with each service. At the close of the meeting Dr. Doggctt reorganized
a Presbyterian church with
seventeen members. Floresville Is an
old town, for Texas. Some years ago
church work was maintained at this
point. The church records were lost
and no services have been held there for Nearly three years. A visit from Mrs.Virginia Staples some four weeks prior to this meeting was the beginning of the resuscitation of this work. At that time Mrs. Staples organized a Ladies'
Society, consisting of near fifteen members.
The outlook for the work at that
point now is fine.

1902 Sanborn map
There was not any information found with this old photo of Floresville. Would be interesting to know date & approximate location downtown.
Courtesy/Wilson County Sesquicentennial 1860-2010
Mark Cameron shares the 1902 Sanborn map that shows the restaurant and barber shop on 3rd St. with the elevated water tower behind the buildings. (Thanks a heap Mark!)
Courtesy/Wilson County Sesquicentennial 1860-2010
Mark Cameron shares the 1902 Sanborn map that shows the restaurant and barber shop on 3rd St. with the elevated water tower behind the buildings. (Thanks a heap Mark!)

Capture Jap Submarine coming to Floresville
Liz Wheeler Lester shares this priceless advertisement with us. She was going through old papers & documents when she came upon the fragile paper piece. Remembering reading about a submarine in Talk of Wilson County TX Historic Towns, she contacted me. It's such an awesome share! Thank you Liz!
Floresville trail
*STAYCATION ENJOYED IN FLORESVILLE ... In the afternoon, I juked over to Floresville to cycle the trail that follows the route of the old San Antonio & Aransas Pass railroad through the town. "Rails to Trails" is not huge in these parts and should be encouraged. Having said that I saw no one else on the unpaved old right of way, and the expensively returned and restored railroad depot is looking forlorn and dilapidated. I don't think it's ever found a purpose other than, evidently, a target for vandals. But the trail itself is pretty good but you need an off road bike if you're not walking. At about three miles from end to end, you will espy bits of rail still in place and what look like a couple of original bridges - but I could be wrong about this. At the north end is a golf course where they have contoured the land - digging ponds and small raising hills from the excavated material - so you cannot tell where the rails were. On a roll, you might say, I thought I'd go explore the town on two wheels - you see so much more - when, much to my disgust, I found I had a flat - again - right in front of the court house. There was still some air in the tire so I figured it was a slow leak. I had all the gear with me this time but just pumped in enough air to get me back the half mile to my car. Oh well. 7 miles is 7 miles.
COURTESY / Hugh Hemphill who adds "I wish "Rails to Trails" was more of a thing in Texas. Imagine how much fun if you could ride a bike along the old right of way from Boerne to Kerrville, or from Floresville to Sutherland Springs. All it would take is TLC - time, labor and cash. (Lots of cash.)"
NOTE FROM Roy Idrach
Hi. I see you wrote about the Floresville rail station. We did some repairs and try to secured the building and trying to get it fence in from vandals. However Mr. Reed been sick and many project been put on hold. We need to finish Starbucks, downtown street waiting from Felps to finish the lighting. TEXDOT is going to help us do 2 or 3 mile into trail at no charge,they waiting for the OK. Ben Reed illness and The Covic is making it delay, A city need parks and trail like this to attract new home buyer wit h family where the children have fun and share time with their parents. Many don't agree with and all they do is complaint and called a waste of money. Rest assure I have not forgot.
COURTESY / Hugh Hemphill who adds "I wish "Rails to Trails" was more of a thing in Texas. Imagine how much fun if you could ride a bike along the old right of way from Boerne to Kerrville, or from Floresville to Sutherland Springs. All it would take is TLC - time, labor and cash. (Lots of cash.)"
NOTE FROM Roy Idrach
Hi. I see you wrote about the Floresville rail station. We did some repairs and try to secured the building and trying to get it fence in from vandals. However Mr. Reed been sick and many project been put on hold. We need to finish Starbucks, downtown street waiting from Felps to finish the lighting. TEXDOT is going to help us do 2 or 3 mile into trail at no charge,they waiting for the OK. Ben Reed illness and The Covic is making it delay, A city need parks and trail like this to attract new home buyer wit h family where the children have fun and share time with their parents. Many don't agree with and all they do is complaint and called a waste of money. Rest assure I have not forgot.

The United Daughters of the Confederacy Driveway Park .....
Photo published in the Wilson County News in Historians restore Confederate vets plaque, July 6, 2011
Statues are family treasures – Dino, the 5-foot dinosaur, missing
Dino, the 5-foot cement dinosaur, is missing from the front yard of the house on Standish Street that once was owned by famed local sculptor Beatrice Valdez Ximenez.
Ximenez's son, Arthur, and granddaughter, Mary Jane, discovered that the dinosaur was missing last month and reported it to the police.
The owners of Suzette's, a café next to the Ximenez property, said the statue of Dino must have been taken at night, because they never saw anything during the day.
The dinosaur statue is estimated to weigh hundreds of pounds and would have been difficult to move without people noticing.
Ximenez decorated her Standish Street front yard with a colorful menagerie of monkeys, alligators, giraffes, and creatures that existed only in her imagination, as well as fanciful flower baskets, birdbaths, garden seats, and other sculptures, often decorated with seashells, pebbles, or pieces of colored glass.
Ximenez died in 1989 at the age of 84, after being celebrated for her work in regional magazines, such as Texas Highways.
She learned her technique from her husband, Pedro, who had studied faux-wood techniques with the well-known San Antonio cement-sculptor Dionicio Rodriguez, who built the faux-wood cement bridge in Brackenridge Park in San Antonio.
Statues are family treasures
by Mary Jane Ximenez
Statues are family treasures
by Mary Jane Ximenez
Anyone who has lived or even passed through Floresville will know that this artwork has been there for generations.
Beatrice and Pedro Ximenez were my grandparents. I am Mr. Arthur Ximenez's daughter. If you could, I need some assistance. If you have noticed, most of the statues are gone or even broken in what used to be my grandmother's yard.
The biggest shocker was earlier this month. My family noticed that the huge life-size dinosaur was missing. When we walked through the yard, there were many sentimental pieces that are missing: the monkey, the baskets, and the alligators. The baskets were made by my grandfather.
These pieces were not only a part of Floresville, but a huge part of my life. We lived next-door to my grandmother until I was a teenager, then we moved just down the street. I helped my grandmother make many of those pieces. She had great pride. Each piece has a special story with it.
So, I am asking if you can help me get the word out that I am searching for these missing pieces.
*COURTESY / Wilson County News
Who remembers this?? My playground growing up, loved this place, Received a lot of cuts and scrapes on these cement sculptures, Sesta (Beatrice Valdez Ximenez, sculptor/artist) always had watermelons, cantaloupes, we would climb up on the trucks and pick the biggest! we'd sit at rough tables and eat slice after slice! 😋 on hot summer days, then get wet with the water hose on porch, lol! Dang it was dangerous too, no fancy slip and slide needed there lol! In the evenings the story telling would scare you to death! 😬😂, hide and go seek was the best around those sculptures! Whoever was It, took forever to find someone 🤫😩 Never a dual moment with Betty Grace there at her grandmothers ♥️
COURTESY/ Remember Floresville When ... Rebecca Martinez
Ranching was a part of the Floresville area
Ranching was a part of the Floresville area and where 1700s Vaqueros could be located working.
Our San Antonio Missions owned Ranchos, that provided food and livestock to their church communities. Contrary to our imagination, the missions were an established and producing community, going farther than Mass and the ringing of a bell.
Here are just two...ranchos.
Rancho de Pataguilla for Mission San Juan and
Rancho de Paistle for Mission Concepcion.
Historians look back in time and wonder what past events took place to bring us to where we are today. They attempt to solve the historic mysteries that link the past to the present. El Camino del Cibolo is greatly abundant in historic treasures such as to demand discovery and is interesting enough to capture the attention of anyone. El Camino del Cibolo (the road to the Cibolo) proudly cuts a path in Wilson County, Texas. Its fabulously rich and deep-rooted history is found in abundance.
It links to the road to Rancho de Las Cabras and the San Patricio Trail on the west side of the San Antonio River. It moves away from the former site of Cook's Store on the San Antonio-La Bahia Road, and sites of The Lodi Ferry, the Lopez Cellar, Gray's Black Smith shop, then stretches on toward the Cibolo Creek on F.M. 539. It passes Grass Pond and approaches the former site of the "Springs" at Sutherland Springs. It then passes the Polley Mansion and historic Barker-Hubinger House and Mueller Bridge, before it moves on to the Guadalupe County line.
As yet, historians John and Shirley Grammer, Gene Maeckel, and Maurine Liles believe it covers a time frame from the 1700s, during the Spanish era, until the present time. It has seen and endured the history of our time and old records show it could be a link between two mission rancho headquarters.
Rancho de Pataguilla, which belonged to Mission San Juan Capistrano, was located in Lodi.
Rancho de Paistle (The Moss Ranch), which belonged to Mission Concepcion, was located in Sutherland Springs.
It is also a link between two former Wilson County seats, Lodi and Sutherland Springs. Floresville became the permanent county seat of Wilson County in 1872.
It appears that El Camino del Cibolo was an early trail, which existed before Wilson County became a county in 1860. Clearly it was an important road, for in 1861 it was one of the first roads the newly seated Wilson County Commissioners ordered to be established.
There were dwellings in Lodi as early as 1837. Lodi, near present day Floresville, was a community on the San Antonio-LaBahia Road comprised predominately of people of Spanish and Mexican descent. There was also a mixture of other nationalities that gave Lodi an international flavor. It was near Lodi that many vaqueros (cowboys) could be found on large ranches. In 1872, the Lodi Ferry was established on the San Antonio River and this made Lodi a crossroads community. On the west side of the San Antonio River, the road linked up to roads leading to Mexico.""
Wilson County History.
COURTESY/ Alamo Legacy & Missions Assoc.
The old Wiseman home – 108 years of family history
Rainy Days and Starry Nights
November 01, 2017
By Lois Wauson from her former column, "Rainy Days and Starry Nights"
November 01, 2017
By Lois Wauson from her former column, "Rainy Days and Starry Nights"
November 01, 2017 ... I was so fascinated by the old house sitting far back on the land on Third Street here in Floresville Texas, south of the courthouse past S.H. 97 West. It is a beautiful home with a rock fence and huge rock entrance, on which is the sidewalk going up to the house, and farther down for a driveway. I am sure it was built before they had automobiles, because there is no pavement, just tracks where the buggies and wagons would go into the farm. I think the house was built around 1909. The red rock wall in front of the home came from the walls of Rancho de las Cabras.
I love and Facebook because that is where I can get so much interesting history and information.
I found out the Wiseman family came to Wilson County or Guadalupe County about 1853. Hugh Wiseman was only 7 years old when his father William and his mother Elizabeth came from Mississippi in a covered wagon. When he was only 15 years old he enlisted in the Confederate army. He was in a unit called Cibolo Guards, which was headquartered in La Vernia.
Levi Wiseman was one of the sons of Hugh and Frances Wiseman. Frances died when only 47 years of age, and Hugh married her sister, Thurza Anderson. Levi studied law in Tennessee, and opened a law office in Floresville, and also associated himself with his brothers in the Wiseman Bank, which his father, Hugh Wiseman, started. Hugh Wiseman died at the age of 65 in 1910. Who remembers the Wiseman Bank, and knows what the name of it was?
In 1898 Levi married Gertrude Bump, whose father was also a veteran of the Civil War. The Bumps owned several hundred acres of land on Old Corpus Christi Road. So when Levi married Gertrude, her father gave them some land next to them, where they built a house, the one there today. The Bump house also still stands next to the Wiseman house. Gertrude's father also owned lots of farming land in the La Vernia area, which he also farmed. Levi and Gertrude were very well suited for each other; she was a teacher and he was a lawyer, also affiliated with the family bank along with his father and brothers. The 1910 census says that Levi and Gertrude lived in Floresville and owned their home, free of mortgage.
By 1930 the Levi Wisemans were doing very well financially. They still owned their home but said the value of the home was $7,000. Theirs must have been the biggest and best house on the street, which was called Old Corpus Christi Road and the old Floresville Highway.
In 1940, Levi was 66 years old and retired. Not working and the census said he had no income, but listed "other sources" for other income. Their house was now valued at $14,000. Levi Wiseman passed away in 1942. Gertrude was still working as a teacher. She passed away in 1947.
Since Levi and Gertrude had no children, his brother, Walter, inherited the home. He and his wife Lois remodeled the house in the 1960s. After they passed away, Charlie and Terri Bump bought the house and still live there today. There were no children in that house until Charlie and Terri Bump lived there. And such a big house too. All those years, close to 70 years, and no children laughing and running through the big old house. But I wonder if the Wisemans had parties and dances in the beautiful old house.
Update: I just found out Terri and Charlie Bump sold the house, and I don't know who the new owners will be. So after 108 years, there will be no Wiseman or Bump family living in the house.

The Rosser Home
The Rosser Home was orginally located on "A Street" near "7th Street" in Floresville, Wilson County, Texas. The photos below show the masterful architecture of the large two-storied home. The first view is from the front and the second view is from the side.
The two pictures also show Robert Creech's great grandfather's
family. Pictured are likely B. F.
and Texana Rosser and their children
at the time, Sarah A.Rosser and
her fiancé, R.G. Seale, Johnnetta Rosser, James Lee Rosser (who
becomes a Texas Ranger), Benjamin A. Rosser, Kate Velma Rosser, and
Frank Carroll Rosser.
Photo COURTESY of Wilson County Historical Society.
Information COURTESY of Melinda Creech
Trail's new addition is water under bridge
Wilson County News, 2005
By Holly Mutz
By Holly Mutz
FLORESVILLE — When walkers, runners, and bicyclists go across the Seguin Branch, they'll be traveling on a little piece of Floresville history.
The town of Floresville officially acquired a historic bridge from the county during a council meeting on Jan. 13.
The bridge, which Floresville Economic Development Corp. (FEDC) Executive Director Jesse Perez said was built in the 1890s, will be part of the hike-and-bike trail. The trail was built along the abandoned Southern Pacific Railroad tracks, which were removed in the 1980s. Floresville acquired the railroad right of way from the Union Pacific Railroad in 2001.
Perez credits the idea of incorporating the bridge into the trail to Wilson County Commissioner Albert Gamez Jr.
Perez said Gamez told the FEDC the bridge was going to be replaced. Once the FEDC decided they wanted to incorporate the bridge into the hike-and-bike trail, they did everything they had to do to acquire the bridge.
"Albert got the ball rolling," Perez said.
Eventually, the bridge will provide a crossing over the Seguin Branch, a creek going through part of Floresville.
Wilson County donated the steel-framed bridge to Floresville on April 28, 2003.
Currently, it is in use where C.R. 120 crosses the San Antonio River northwest of Floresville.
"The bridge will be taken apart in three pieces and reassembled as part of the trail," Floresville City Administrator Gary Pelech said. "[Floresville] City council doesn't have any expense with transporting the bridge, only with maintaining it once it's on the trail."
Pelech said the bridge should be moved by summertime.
The Texas Department of Transportation will replace the bridge as part of the off-system bridge program. The project will cost $1.9 million.
The 2.9-mile trail the bridge will become part of goes all through the town, interlacing all of the smaller areas in Floresville. It starts in Pecan Park and ends close to the River Bend community.
Perez said the FEDC was given a $99,000 grant to work on the hike-and-bike trail. This money will go toward signage, benches, and restrooms.
"This seemed like a worthwhile project," Perez said.
The FEDC moved the old train depot to its original location on Peach Street as an added attraction on the trail.
"There is a lot of history we want to amplify," Perez said. "Hopefully, the trail will serve as an attraction for people to come out to Floresville."
"The Pony Express Mail Service" ... Featuring area Riders re-enacting the Old West Mail Service along our famous U.S. Hwy 181 N & S ....... A yearly event for long as I can remember when I lived there......... The original idea involving the Postcards (Circa 2000-04 ?) locally was to persuade folks to purchase the cards and mail them by Pony to friends n family that lived in San Antonio to promote our town, the cards and the Event.......... I never learned if the idea was ever achieved ?? ......but lots of folks really liked the cards being produced !!! .....I enjoyed going out into the field to capture the scenes......and I still love Floresville !!!!
.........Hank White, former resident and WC Freelance Photog (Card Producer) .............TO ALL ....Have A Very Merry Christmas !!!! , Love, Hank n Joyce A Lehman White
.........Hank White, former resident and WC Freelance Photog (Card Producer) .............TO ALL ....Have A Very Merry Christmas !!!! , Love, Hank n Joyce A Lehman White
COURTESY/ Remember Floresville When ...
The Flores de Abrego Family and Floresville ...
The Flores de Abrego family came to the New World from northern Spain before the time of the American Revolution. During the 18th century, members of this family brought their cattle northward and established ranches along the San Antonio River.
The head of this family was Francisco Antonio Flores de Abrego II (d. 1757), who married Rosa Hermenegilda Hernandez. Their son, Jose Joaquin Flores de Abrego (1742-c.1800), grew up on the San Bartolo Ranch in present Karnes County. Jose Joaquin's grandsons Manuel, Salvador, Nepomuceno, and Jose Maria later fought on the side of the Texians during the Revolution for Independence from Mexico.
In 1854 Josefa Agustina Flores de Abrego, daughter of Jose Maria Flores de Abrego, married Samuel William Barker, who became Wilson County's first sheriff in 1860. In 1867 Josefa's donation of 200 acres of land was accepted by the County Commissioners Court as the site for the new county seat. As she requested, the new town was named Floresville in honor of her ancestor, Francisco Antonio Flores de Abrego II. As prominent ranchers, with cattle brands registered in Floresville, the Flores de Abrego family played an important role in the colonization of this area.
Texas Sesquicentennial 1836-1986
Floresville's long felt desire to get electricity began to make progress in February, 1915 by B. J. Carrico, a consulting engineer and contractor of Fort Worth. He was the man of
means and movement to put in an electric system that would be a credit to Floresville.
In April, 1915 electricity was no longer a dream. Floresville's long talked of light plant was at last to become a reality. W. T. Pitman, of Fort Worth, one of the promoters began actual operations, accompanied by John Barner, an expert electrician of Marietta, Oklahoma.
A carload of poles was soon unloaded. The front end of the Ballard building next to John W. Wood's store was rented for an office and electric supply store. Two large Muncie crude oil engines, one a 90 HP and the other a 50 HP were ordered. Work on the plant's home began. It was erected at the City Waterworks Plant and was a 30x50 structure and made of brick and hollow tile.
The Floresville Light and Power Company would be the name of the new concern. The plant's proposed size would take care of a town twice the size of Floresville at that time. It was the intention of the promoters to supply the surrounding towns and rural communities power if this endeavor proved to be a success.
June 19, 1915 at 7:30 p.m. was the date to remember. That was the date Mayor S.V. Houston consented to press the button turning the lights on in the City of Floresville. He
expressed a desire to have at least three of the prettiest girls of Floresville to act as his attendants, so that he may be properly cared for, should he touch the wrong wire. So
the citizens selected the young ladies by secret ballot votes.
Throwing the switch and turning on Floresville's first lights took place at the power house by Mayor Houston assisted by the three prettiest young ladies, Nora Houston, Robbie Smith and Clara Culpepper, who were the winners of the contest. A large crowd attended the celebration. A full explanation of the workings of the plant was given before the lights were turned on. It indeed was a memorable event for the City of Floresville. After the lights were on, the crowd of excited people marched to the Opera House for a delightful and appropriate program. This evening, June 19, 1915 went down in the history of Floresville for this date the old town took a step forward. R. L.
Eschenburg, Sr., prominent businessman and alderman, then gave a brief talk and told of the many improvements that would be underway. It definitely had a ring of a booster
to the community.
In July, 1915 the Floresville Light and Power Company took over the City Waterworks Plant and the city water was pumped from the power house. A new 40 HP Muncie oil
engine was added to operate the day current and to pump most of the water.
Homes and businesses were soon wired and street lights were being installed. The promoters were very pleased with the support being accorded and the residents were equally as well pleased with the new service.
In November, 1925, Flem Spruce, Mgr. of the New Lone Star State Power Company, the new public utility plant that took over the Floresville Light and Power Company informed the public that new high power lines would be installed. These lines were the lines between Floresville & Poth and Floresville & Stockdale. In addition to these lines, Mr. Spruce stated that the company would install a new diesel engine of not less than 200 HP to take care of all the needs of Floresville, Stockdale and Poth.
In 1928, San Antonio Public Service Company purchased the assets of the power company with Flem Spruce still the manager. Then in 1942, Floresville Electric Light and
Power System was formed by the Cities of Floresville, Stockdale and Poth by purchasing the assets of the San Antonio Public Service Company.
FELPS' 1942 audit shows
489 customers in Floresville
135 customers in Poth
178 customers in Stockdale
802 total customers.
FELPS 1950 audit show
811 customers in Floresville
237 customers in Poth,
347 customers in Stockdale
1,462 customers in the rural area of the three cities,
2,857 total customers.
Then in February, 2009 there were
13,647 FELPS customers.
This indicates the lights are shining to a larger number of residents.
The managers of FELPS:
1925 - Flem Spruce
1951 - Robert F. Spruce until his sudden death
1967 - Fred R. Wauters
1996 - David K. McMillan to the present time.
(Courtesy if Wilson County Historical Society .... Compiled from past Floresville Chronicle Journal articles by Viola Henke, a retired employee of Floresville Electric Light and Power System)
W.W. Rhoade One Price Cash Store
FLORESVILLE TEXAS... A 1901 photograph of the W.W. Rhoade "One Price Cash Store" brick, two-story building located at 3rd and C Street in Floresville. One person is going into the store; another is standing at the corner of the building; and two men are unloading goods from a horse drawn wagon at the side of the building - one is on the wagon and the other walking toward the wagon. A fifth person can be seen leaning on a post past the wagon. Wonder if "One Price Cash Store" was an early version of the "Dollar Store"... although a dollar in 1901 was equivalent to almost $30 today. (Courtesy of "The Portal to Texas History") Note: once was Ben Franklins
Documented journeys of the 1930s
Wilson County News, 1/4/2017
Article taken from San Antonio Express Sunday morning, Feb. 26, 1933, page 14-D.
Article taken from San Antonio Express Sunday morning, Feb. 26, 1933, page 14-D.
Walter Holcombe and family of Rankin spent a few days with W.H. Holcombe and wife and attended the wedding of his sister, Miss Ruth.
Mrs. J.P. Houston and daughter are home after several days visit with Ed Grote and wife of San Antonio.
Mrs. Rosa Dewees and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schiffers have returned from a week spent in Sanderson with Joe Kerr and family.
E.L. Powell and family of San Antonio spent Sunday with J.H. McDaniel, Jr. and other relatives.
Miss Rose Mary Carnes of San Antonio is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Carnes.
Mrs. Carl Eschenburg entertained the Bridge Club on Wednesday afternoon. After the usual number of games were played Mrs. J.T. Sheehy received high and Mrs. L.F. Martin cut prizes. Those enjoying the afternoon were Mesdames John Wood, Sr., John H. Wood and Miss Bessie Bell of San Antonio, L.F. Martin, John H. McDaniel, Jr., Lee Matlock, Sr., John Reese, J.T. Sheehy, Robert Wiseman, Hugh Wiseman, Tom Howard, O.F. Burney, W.D. Hunter, H.J. Ridout, Alex Lieberman, A.B. Murray, J.T. Houston, Edwin Johnson and Lola Canfield.
Article submitted by Shirley Grammer for Historic Moments in Wilson County.
COURTESY / Wilson County News
Floresville Token
MORE FLORESVILLE TEXAS HISTORY ... Kimberly Foerster found something she thought odd and had forgotten she had. It's the size of a penny and metal. It's a coupon of some sorts from a druggist in Floresville. The history piece belonged to her Grandma Mary Ploch-Foerster.
It is a token for 2.5¢ "Coupon" from the I. D. FLORES DRUGSTORE in Floresville Texas. Flores' Rexall Drug Store was in operation from at least 1906 in Floresville Texas. The town was settled by Canary Island immigrant Don Francisco Flores de Abrego, who established a ranch in the eighteenth century. In 1833 the nucleus of the town included the Flores home, a chapel, and a graveyard. In 1867 Floresville was founded and a Post Office was established in 1872. By 1885 Floresville had two hotels, several stores, a weekly newspaper named the Chronicle Journal, two steam cotton gin-gristmills, and a population of 400. The town was incorporated in 1890.
Court adjourned after judge taken ill
October 18, 2017
Wilson County News
Wilson County News
Historic moments in Wilson County
Wilson County Historical Society
Floresville, Wilson County, Texas January 17, 1896 – County court was adjourned this week in something of a hurry, caused by the sudden and dangerous illness of County Judge (Alfred) Stevenson. He is a sufferer from rheumatism and has very serious attacks of it sometimes. The business, however, was about concluded for the term before he was taken sick.The Will of Francisco Ximenes, who died a few weeks ago, was admitted to probate this week. He left about $10,000 worth of property to his two daughters and his personal property to his wife, who survives him.
Wilson County camp of United Confederate Veterans held a meeting last Saturday afternoon, which was fairly attended. Five veteran soldiers of the "Lost Cause" were admitted to membership. The old boys of this county who wore the gray during the war and attended the confederate reunion last May in Houston are determined, as far as possible, to be in Richmond this year. Further than this, some of them will not say, but it is an open secret that some of them are counting seriously on parading on Broadway, New York, on July 4th if the railroad companies will get the fare low enough.
This article was taken from the Galveston Daily News, of January 18, 1896, contributed by Shirley Grammer for Historic Moments in Wilson County, Texas.
Floresville Texas Trades Day 1906
A panoramic picture of downtown Floresville Wilson County Texas during the 1906 Trade Days. This photo shows the buildings, people, horses, wagon. On the back of the photograph below it is noted that Mrs. Ed Franklin was queen and Rosalie Stevenson and Maude Neal were the princesses. R.R. Smith, attorney, crowned the queen for the festivities. Courtesy/ South Texas History

San Antonio - Corpus Christi Road
San Antonio - Corpus Christi Road .... in Floresville, Wilson County, Texas {undated}. A County road that connects San Antonio to Corpus Christi shown in South Texas History photo. This portion of the road features a farmhouse with a wooden fence to one side. Floresville water tower can be seen in the distance . Admin.
Note: Richard Luttrell & Owen Lowak agree that in the vintage photo that the fence is where the Floresville City Cemetery is today.
PHOTO COURTESY/ The Portal to Texas History
Note: Richard Luttrell & Owen Lowak agree that in the vintage photo that the fence is where the Floresville City Cemetery is today.
PHOTO COURTESY/ The Portal to Texas History
Floresville Carnival 1908 – Wagenfuehr family find
We have a "Finding" ... Kevin Wagenfuehr enlarged the Floresville Carnival 1908 photo. Among the kneeling band members he found his Grandpa Heinrich "Henry" Andrew Wagenfuehr (second to right) and his Great Grandpa Heinrich "Henry" Alvin Wagenfuehr. (fourth to right). What a great find for the Wagenfuehr genealogist!

1902 - J.A. Varnon & Son
1902 Photograph of blacksmith shop. Men and boys are standing under sign the left front of the shop that says "J.A. Varnon & Son". Horses drawing buggies are parked in front of the shop. The tower of the Wilson County Court House can be seen in the background. (Courtesy of Portal to Texas History)

J.C. Merchant Super Market
THIS BUILDING ..... is difficult to know as the architecture is no longer recognizable. It was the first brick building in Floresville, Wilson County, Texas, and was completed in 1888 of bricks hand made on the San Antonio River. It is the former site of J. C. Merchant Super Market. The drug store to the right was owned by AGEE.
...taken from "Wilson County Centennial Book".
WHAT BUILDING IS THIS? The Belknap Rifles are standing in front of an history-filled building in Wilson County Texas ... can you give me some information about it?
Julia Castro in her "Apple and Pie Salsa Column" wrote the article about remembering the Impala Club and Tejas Ballroom. COURTESY/ Wilson County News
I greatly enjoyed the story by Connie Morales that was published recently in the Forever issue of the Wilson County News. Frequently I see people posting their memories of the Impala Club on Facebook, but I haven't seen anyone mentioning the Tejas Ballroom. So I thought it was time to write about it, but I had to do some research.
I knew that it was "Nacho" (Ignacio) Martinez who had it built and named it, but I didn't know when. So I met with his sisters, Aurora, my forever sister-in-law, and comadre Elvira.
They said that Nacho had it built in 1963 on the property where the Sears store now sits. But the area was very different. The building faced Highway 181, which is now 10th Street. It was farther back because I remember it having a large parking lot in front. And there was no road next to it. The whole strip was undeveloped, no businesses. It became a very successful endeavor. The dance halls that had been around for years no longer existed — el Jacalito Mexicano and the old Lodi hall. People came from the surrounding towns. Nacho brought entertainers who are now well-known, such as Ruben Ramos, Flaco Ximenez, and many others. Aurora said that her husband, Arturo, worked for Nacho on Saturday nights as a bartender after delivering beer there for Henry in the morning.
They recalled that their parents had their 50th wedding anniversary reception there (of course). Also, that the Garcia girls, their cousins, all had their wedding receptions there.
The LULACs were very active here at the time, and Nacho let them have their meetings there. One year the LULACs had a contest to elect a queen to represent the organization in the Peanut Festival Parade. Sophie Gonzales won. Another time Dora Ann Castro, Henry's cousin, was selected to represent the Impala Club in the Peanut Festival Parade.
In 1975, Nacho sold the property to a Jimmy Rodriguez from Karnes City and moved his family to San Antonio. Supposedly it didn't go as well for him. At some point the property changed owners again, bought by a Delmiro Garcia. In 1984, Joe Tejada leased it from Garcia, and according to him, the last person that had operated it before him was Emilio Flores III. By then the name had changed to Tejas Ballroom. The building was getting old, so Joe put on a new roof and new floors. And he says that he too had worked for Nacho years earlier. The sisters also remember Luis Quintanilla working there with Nacho.
The local "Good Times Band" played there frequently, but Joe brought in a lot of other artists, who he feels really got their start here. Of course, he couldn't remember all of them. These are some that he remembers: "La Sombra," "Los Chamacos," Roberto Pulido, Laura Canales, "Los Hermanos Farias," Little Joe "y La Familia," Ruben Ramos, "Los Palominos," and Agustin Ramirez.
In 1992, Joe decided not to renew his lease. Instead, he bought "El Patio" downtown, where he continued to have dances.
Of our kids, not all were into dancing, but those that were went either to the Impala Club or the Tejas Ballroom, from the oldest to the youngest.
I'm sure that they remember the good times and "The Good Times."
Joe called me later to tell me that one Saturday night when Roberto Pulido was performing, a family stopped by. They were just passing through and saw that there was a dance. The father asked Joe if his daughter could sing, that she was quite good. It was Selena, only 13 years old! You Selena fans know the rest of her story.

Floresville – 2nd and C Streets
FLORESVILLE WILSON COUNTY TEXAS .... Street scene photo taken from the corners of 2nd and "C" street looking west toward the courthouse. Horse, buggies, wagons and mule - people in front of stores. Can anyone read what is written on the horse-less wagon where the ladies in white are standing?
[The Portal to Texas History]

A View of the Courthouse
This amazing 1907 photograph from UTSA Library shows the photo's view looking northwest from Wilson County Courthouse in Floresville Texas. Third Street on left, B Street on right. Among the businesses are the W. W. Rhode One Price Case Store, the John Griffith store, and the Palace.